Thursday, May 8, 2008

birthday bowling in blue

Since I am out of compliance with posting regularly, I will attempt to fill you in on the recent past.

On my birthday, April 14, I found myself at a bowling alley in Highland, UT with mom and Lindsey.

Up first, mom confidently dribbled the ball down the lane on her approach:

Lindsey corrected her, "No, no! You're supposed to roll the ball down the lane to knock down those pins at the end!"

I demonstrated the correct technique for mom, illustrating the importance of flinging your left wrist behind your back:

Mom said a prayer to the bowling gods.

Then she bowled a strike by directing the ball using telekinectic powers, a little trick she learned from reading Marvel comics as a kid.

Feeling challenged, Lindsey mustered up all her bowling skill:

But as she swung the ball exuberantly, she whacked herself in the knee and fumbled.

Meanwhile, mom struck (striked?) again!

Lindsey's hopes of winning sank.

And mom swaggered overconfidently.

As for myself, I kept above the fray by taking a lot of inane and unbecoming bowling pictures.


Amy Wilson said...

hahahaha....lmbo. wow.

Emily said...

You are hilarious! I love it, way to make those pictures fun! Now where's the other ones?

Mike and Kristin said...

Wow, that really cracked me up. I hope I didn't wake up Gretchen with my laughing.

Deanna said...

Love it...funny!

mccollaum fam said...

That was soo funny! We all loved it!

mccollaum fam said...

I still love coming back to this post over and over again! I never stop laughing!